Audition Forms

To protect our students only certain links and forms can be accessed here. Everything else is posted on the Drama Club Google Classroom. If you could not attend the parent meeting and do not have access to the Google Classroom please email Ms. Natalie for information.

To successfully sign up to participate in our next production all prospective cast and crew members need to do the following.

  1. Join the Drama Club Google Classroom – this is were you will find student audition information including the participation form, monologues and songs for auditioning, and character breakdowns.
  2. Students need to fill out the student participation form found on the Drama Club Google Classroom. There is a question on the form that asks you to upload the cast contract. Digitally sign it, scan a signed copy, or take a clear photo and upload it in the participation form.
    • Parents and students for both cast and crew need to read and sign the Cast Contract and then submit it with the participation form. There is a question on the form that asks you to upload the cast contract. Digitally sign it, scan a signed copy, or take a clear photo and upload it in the participation form.
  3. Parents need to fill out the Parent Volunteer Form as part of the sign up process.

The deadline to complete all of these steps is 5pm before the first audition day.